Melanie Sher
Leader: Birdhaven
A young, energetic and motivated ‘Joburger’ with an absolute passion for life and feeling good!
Even in todays’ busy times I believe we need to ‘commit to being fit’… And running is one of the best ways to do this!
I don’t do exercise because I have to… I do it because I love it! There is no better feeling in the world than finishing an exercise session, no matter how short or long it is!
I like to challenge myself, my body and my mind to be better, and to see what I am capable of! Running is about the journey, not the finish line, and I can’t wait to take on this journey with Y.O.U.!
And I’ll finish off with these few words of motivation: “The thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is.”
Download the App to join Melanie’s Group Runs.