

Open Letter To Our Community

 April 2020 To: Our CMIYC Community Under the current lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, CMIYC had to pause all activities, like many other businesses. We had planned and worked hard for the past few months on two events which we had to postpone. During this time we cannot announce any new dates or work…
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Science of a Workout Partner

Whether it’s a friend, a trainer or your significant other, science tells us that workouts are always better when we’re together (Jack Johnson reference totally intended). Fun Working out with someone else is simply more fun than doing it alone. You can focus on the conversation rather than the discomfort of your workout and solidify…
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Better Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is more important than most people care to admit. Not only does it give our brains and bodies an opportunity to recover from the day but allows for a period of ‘system shutdown’ to repair and restore. You cells replicate, muscles grow and the brain’s energy is restored. Sleep also affects your hormone levels…
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Making That Workout a Priority

It is Monday morning.  You’ve battled traffic to get to the office on time.  Your inbox is full, your diary is packed with lists of things to do and deadlines to meet. During a meeting your mind drifts towards your evening plans.  You think about the errands to run and grocery shopping you need to…
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Choosing the Correct Running Shoe

If you are part of the Runner’s Community Page on Facebook, you will note that the most common question asked (besides when are the race results available as I need the Vitality points for my smoothie|coffee|popcorn… lol!) is what is the best running shoe for me. Most runners will answer by giving their favourite brand…
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Best Advice for Race Day

To date I have completed 28 races. Yet it does not stop me from becoming a nervous wreck the few days before. My husband & I have developed a “Race Routine” that seems to keep us sane to a certain degree. This routine is also followed when we run our LSD’s (Long Slow Distances) over…
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