Science is discovering new things about how the body works every day. Sometimes the “facts” passed around are more like guesses and old wives tales. Below are seven debunked myths about nutrition.
- A Few Small Meals Boost Your Metabolism
Heard that eating small, frequent meals with help you lose weight? The only scientifically sound part of this myth is that eating a few small meals a day reduces the chance of over eating. In fact, eating that is too frequent is actually shown to be related to excess belly fat.
- Less Salt Means Less Chances of Heart Disease
Reducing your salt in your diet is only likely to affect your blood pressure. This will not necessarily lead to any change to your risk of heart attacks, strokes, or other heart disease.
- More Fibre is Better For You
Naturally occurring fibres are good for you. Different types of fibre have different benefits – for example where oat bran lowers cholesterol, wheat bran helps with digestion. Getting the right amount is a delicate balance. Too much fibre can lead to digestive irritation.
- Eating Carbs Makes You Fat
This myth stems from the fact that people who eat too many carbs, and take little physical exercise, are likely to gain weight if all of the calories from their diet are not used. Carbohydrates are actually very beneficial as part of a balanced diet.
- Eggs Are Bad For Your Heart
Egg yolks are, in fact, high in cholesterol – but cholesterol in your diet has little to do with adding cholesterol to your blood. Eating eggs, and other foods which raise the “good” cholesterol in your blood stream, actually reduces your risk of heart disease.
- Coffee is Unhealthy
The only unhealthy thing about coffee is the caffeine it contains. Caffeine raises blood pressure and reduces your ability to reabsorb water. Coffee, however, is high in antioxidants and can improve brain health, depression, and reduce the effects of Type II Diabetes.
- Detoxing is Essential
Your body has specialised procedures for cleansing and maintaining a healthy system. Some detoxes, like all-juice diets, can cause more harm than good.
Keep in mind that all nutrition myths and tips – scientifically sound or not – only work for some people. Knowing your body is important for staying healthy